The Return of ScotJOS Training Camps!

In early March 2020, ScotJOS held a training camp based at Dinnet in Deeside – and as we drove away little did we know that that would be our last camp for some time. However, finally 18 months later we returned to Dinnet for our 1st camp post-Covid.

Although ScotJOS has been able to hold a few individual days of training during the past year, this was our first “proper” camp for the squad members who had joined us last October and it was also a chance to say goodbye to our leavers who were attending their last camp as they are heading off to University.

2021 Leavers Pippa and Rachel

The weekend included night orienteering and a variety of technical sessions including a line exercise and control pick. There was also a practise relay to prepare for the Junior Inter Regionals and Home Internationals, as it has been some time since anyone has participated in relays. This was a great learning exercise for many on the perils and pit falls of relays. The very subtle contour details in the area also caught out many – as did a parallel error with a path. All great learning opportunities.

Warm-up running drills and lovely new Scotland kit

The weekend also included the traditional farewell from the leavers as they provided a session with a twist – including a number of challenges to hamper their orienteering ability. The learning objective was perhaps to keep concentrating on the orienteering despite the circumstances but more importantly the importance of fun in orienteering!

And the 1st leg of the relay is off!

The weekend finished with the opportunity to appreciate elite athletes from another sport as we were able to watch the Tour of Britain pass (very quickly!)

Thanks to everyone who helped make the weekend happen, including a couple of ScotJOS “graduates” who had returned to help with coaching and sharing their experiences – thanks Pete and Eilidh.

To try to minimise the Covid risks, everyone had to do LTF tests before travelling to the camp and best wishes to Kate who was unable to join us due to a positive test. Get well soon!

It was fantastic to see the juniors all back together and the squad becoming a team. Next stop – the JIRCs and JHIs (and selections for the new squad for next year).