Coaching Courses 2022

Despite the constraints of lockdown and Covid restrictions a lot of coach education happened in 2021. Having spent a much of the last 18 months adapting coaching courses to online and blended delivery, we have decided to keep this format for 2022 for the foreseeable future. The provisional coaching course calendar for 2022 is as follows:

Coaching Foundation

Blended delivery over a 4 week block with weeks 1, 2 & 4 online and a practical session in week 3. Clubs are encouraged to request a Coaching Foundation course should they have sufficient interested members, alternatively individuals can attend one of the open courses. Provisional dates for open courses are as follows:

  • 1st Feb – 22nd Feb
  • 26th Apr – 17th May
  • 30th Aug – 20th Sep

Level 1

Pre-course reading and tasks followed by 4 online sessions with an assessed practical day between sessions 3 and 4. Candidates should have completed a Coaching Foundation course. Proposed dates are:

  • 1st March – 5th Apr (end dates provisional depending on practical sessions)
  • 24th May – 28th Jun
  • 25th Oct – 29th Nov

Level 2

The level 2 course is currently being rewritten but will comprise pre-course reading and tasks followed by 1.5 face-to-face tutor led days. Each learner then completes an agreed number of mentored and self-evaluated sessions before a final individual assessment. It is proposed to run the fist course at the end of April 2022. To register your interest for this please contact