Anti-doping Update

The SOA, under the guidance of Safety Director Tim O’Donoghue, are working towards compliance with new anti-doping assurance framework which was brought in by UK Anti-Doping (here forward referred to as UKAD). We wanted to be transparent in some changes which have come into effect and outlined these below.

Updated Anti-doping Policy

We published an updated anti-doping policy in February. The document can be downloaded here

Temporary Retirement

A system has been set up to allow any member to apply for temporary retirement. The online form can be completed at

Please not that an orienteer can request temporary retirement at any point in the year, they will not be refunded any membership costs but ‘retired’ orienteers will not be eligible for testing. You will NOT be allowed to participate in orienteering events during a period of ‘retirement’. You can request to come out of retirement by completing the online form. Orienteers may wish to utilise temporary retirement because of health or injury issues where the treatment may require temporary use of prohibited substances.

Retrospective application for temporary retirement is not permitted.’

Further information on temporary retirement is available here