Volunteer Week 2022

It’s that time of year again when we celebrate the terrific contribution to the sport of our wonderful volunteers.  Without all your contributions large and small the sport would not function. So, here’s a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who volunteered over the course of the year.  We want to acknowledge in particular at this time all those who stepped in to act as Covid Officers keeping our sport safe and whilst on the subject of keeping members safe, our Club Welfare and Protection Officers, who often go unsung.  The volunteers featured over the course of the week are those that have been nominated but we hope it goes without saying that every volunteer is appreciated.

Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg

STAG’s current Chairperson is truly an inspiration to all! His first major role within Scottish Orienteering was as the Assistant Controller at Strathearn 2019 and Day 2 @ Edinchip in 2019. Fredrik’s commitment to STAG has just gone from strength to strength. From being a regular planner for STAG’s Spring, Dark Park and Score+ Series, in 2021 he organised our Girvan SOUL then in 2022 was joint planner for our highly praised Cumbernauld SOUL. Fredrik is also STAG’s IT guru and is fully responsible for the set-up of our pre-registration system for local activities and events. Most recently he updated a map of Parkhill, Lochwinnoch which was used for STAG Spring 1 and again well received. Thank-you Fredrik for all your industry, always delivered with a Swedish efficiency and a smile!