Free to Run – Veteran Women’s Munro Relay

Some of you may be aware of an inspiring group of women including Fran Loots, our Development Officer and former staff member, Sarah Dunn as well as a number of orienteering club members are undertaking an amazing feat. The challenge to continuous self-propel round the munros in Scotland. You can follow the challenge on Facebook and read more about the project below.

Project Brief

We are a Scottish based group of women planning to do a continuous self propelled round of all the Munros in Scotland. There are 282 Munros – mountains over 3000 feet in old currency or 914 metres in the metric world. They are in some of the most beautiful, remote parts of Scotland and involve some wild and challenging landscapes.This is a tough challenge as we will climb some 137000 metres, cover over 2500 kilometres by land and water, running where we can and cycling and kayaking in between.We have pulled together a Veteran Women’s Munro Relay team from across Scotland. We are celebrating being active as we age. We are all 40 years plus with many of us in our 60s.We are runners, orienteers and cyclists who love thefreedom of being outdoors exploring our wild lands.

How to Support

We know we are privileged and appreciate the opportunities we have. We are ‘free to run’, however this is not the case for women and girls everywhere so we are delighted to be able to support and raise funds for Checkout our fundraising page to Run is a small charity that empowers women and girls through sport, training women as leaders in areas where it is more difficult for women and girls to be active. Their current programme is operating in Iraq and funds raised through our actions will go to support the programme there.