Scottish Selections for Junior Competitions

We are delighted to announce the Scottish teams for the Junior Inter Regional Competition (JIRCs) and the Junior Home Internationals (JHIs). The teams have been selected taking into account availability and to provide as many juniors as possible with the opportunity to race whilst also sending strong teams to both events.

The Junior Inter Regionals (JIRCs) will see Scotland compete against teams from all 12 British Orienteering Regions. They will be held in Northern Ireland on the weekend on 24/25 September.

Congratulations to the following juniors who will be competing:-

W14 Scarlett Kelly (FVO) Iona Scott (INVOC) Megan Brown (ESOC) Esme Kelly (FVO)

W16 Ruth Gooch (MAROC) Kate McLuckie (MOR) Ellie Darlow (RR) Katie Hensman (FVO)

W18 Iris MacMillan  (ECKO) Daisy McNamara  (AYROC) Fiona Eades (INT) Catriona Chapman (MAROC)  
M14 Finlay McLuckie (MOR) Finn Selmer Duguid (TAY) Matthew Inman (FVO) Alexander Hunt (FVO)

M16 James Hammond (FVO) Sam Hunt (FVO) Michael Bishenden (MOR) Yann Newey (MAROC)

M18 Sam Griffin (GRAMP) Ewan Musgrave (MAROC) Jamie Goddard (FVO) Jonas Newey (MAROC)

The Junior Home Internationals (JHIs) will be held in Scotland on the weekend of 8/9 October. Congratulations to the following juniors who will be competing:-

W14 Scarlett Kelly (FVO) Rebecca Hammond (FVO) Sophie Howard (MOR) Emily Atkinson (ELO)

W16 Kate McLuckie (MOR) Ruth Gooch (MAROC) Scarlett Britain (MOR) Charlotte Burton (INVOC)

W18 Isobel Howard (MOR) Iris MacMillan (ECKO) Alice Kemsley (BASOC) Daisy McNamara (AYROC)   
M14 Finlay McLuckie (MOR) Finn Duguid (TAY) Ruari Cottier (ECKO) Calum Robertson (ESOC)

M16 James Hammond (FVO) Sam Hunt (FVO) Angus Laird (INVOC) Laurence Ward (INT)

M18 Sam Griffin (GRAMP) Ewan Musgrave (MAROC) Adam Barrie (MAROC) Oscar Shepherd (INVOC)

Good luck to both teams.