Festival Atmosphere

What a great start to Orienteering Edinburgh. With the weather on our side, there was a festival vibe in the appropriately named Festival Square.

There was a real buzz about the place with a mixture of newcomers and old hands out enjoying a beautiful Edinburgh evening. A great way to make your run more fun!

The formula is simple. Same time, same place – different challenge.

More than a third of the participants were new to orienteering.

We hope to build on this week by week targeting those that live, work and study in and around Edinburgh

Newcomers moved from apprehensive to enthusiastic with some gentle support from helpers on hand.

A huge thanks to all who have supported this initiative. The Edinburgh Clubs, ESOC, INT, EUOC and ELO and in particular the people behind the scenes: Jayne MacGregor on RaceSignUp, Walter Clark, Janet Clark, Colin Eades for practicalities and Jim Bailey, Mairi and Fiona Eades for helping on the day supported by other young people as well as members of the clubs who came along to have a go and lend moral support on the day. Thanks also to Judy Bell and Paul Raynor who put the hard work in a few years ago when the concept was first mooted.

We hope to see the series grow and learn some lessons on the way to share more widely.