Can you help lost equipment find its way home?

Orienteering relies on our volunteers as you have heard us say many times. We are always grateful for their help but sometimes people might not be sure how or where to return things or if time is short think they will do it next time and it gets left in a corner. We have all been there.

So in that vein we are putting out a shout for two types of items that may be lurking in your house and asking that you get in touch so we can make sure they find their way home – GPS vests and a timing clock.

You will see below pictures of the items in question and, if you for any reason have one, can you please email so we can help it be returned.

10 GPS vests labelled SOA 5,6 and 15 (XS), 25 (S), 32,36,38 and 39 (M) and 48, 49 (L) are currently missing
A Scottish 6 Days timing clock in wooden box