2024 Scottish Orienteering League gets off to a great start in the oak woodlands of Kintyre

Masterplan Adventure hosted the first Scottish Orienteering League (SOL) event of 2024 as part of their Scottish Spring Weekend. The weekend saw over 200 hardy souls test themselves against the delights of the Kintyre terrain. Masterplan Adventure provided the opportunity on Saturday for everyone to pit themselves against the knolls, boulders and crags of Torinturk for a middle distance event followed by an ultra sprint round Tarbert before the sun shone on the oak forest of Corranbuie on Sunday for the longer distance of the SOL. Sunday’s event was also the third event in the Scottish Inter-Club Championship.

Corranbuie provided some testing terrain with complex contour shapes in the glorious oak woodland on the lower slopes merging into a diverse coniferous forest hiding at some points the contours whilst at others providing a maze of forest rides to navigate. There was a wide variety of ages and everyone enjoyed socialising in the delights of Tarbert Holiday Park. The current standings in the Scottish Orienteering League can be found on the dedicated page with all of previous year’s results and details of the rest of the events for 2024 or for ease the link is here

Corrainbuie was also the third event of the Scottish Inter Club Championship. When deciding events for the Scottish Inter Club Championship the organiser tries to find the best geographical spread of events over a 12 month period to allow all clubs get their members out with one event a month. The west coast location helped Clydeside Orienteering Club (CLYDE) and St Andrew’s Orienteering Club Glasgow (STAG) climb above Roxburgh Reivers (RR) in the senior small clubs section of the championship with Forth Valley Orienteering (FVO) retaining their lead in the Senior large clubs over Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club (ESOC) but Interlopers (INT) have been scoring well and may challenge shortly. In the junior section FVO continue to dominate the junior large clubs section but its all to play for in the junior small club section where Tayside Orienteering Club (TAY) lead with Ayrshire Orienteering Club (AYROC) and ECKO not far behind! Current standings can be seen on the Scottish Orienteering Championships page or for ease of reference here

As is traditional the first SOL of 2024 also saw the presentation of the trophies for the winners of the 2023 Scottish Orienteering League. There were lots of smiles in the sunshine for the camera.

Thank you to Masterplan Adventure supported by Loch Eck Orienteering Club (ECKO) for hosting the event and in particular Alasdair Pedley and Mairi Eades for planning and coordinating the weekend, Alasdair Pedley and Joe Sunley for organising and Ross Lilley (ECKO) for controlling. None of these events can take place without all those individuals who volunteer – Thank you.