May sees ScotJOS training in the Sun (for a change!)

ScotJOS enjoyed a weekend of fantastic sunshine for their latest camp in Perthshire. This was also the Last Blast, a chance for the leavers to plan some fun and games (and orienteering with a difference) for the others.

30 juniors and 8 coaches gathered at Killiecrankie with orienteering at Black Spout Wood, Tullochroisk, Faskally and Bonskeid.  Special mention has to go to Yann who rather than arriving on one of the minibuses decided that he fancied a challenge and ran the 100km from Banchory to Killiecrankie – he was excused from the Friday night training!

On Friday evening they met at Black Spout Wood for a mass start gaffled race and set off at speed with the coaches watching the GPS tracking trying to work out what was happening in the loops. We then headed back to the hall for refuelling and to find a comfy patch of floor space for the night!

On Saturday morning we headed to Tullochroisk. This area hasn’t been used for several years and offered great orienteering with some complex contours. There were a selection of loops and a Duo relay – teams of 2 with each person running 2 legs (although the coaches did win they cheated and had a team of 4 each running 1 leg). The base was beside a small stream where juniors sat with their feet in to cool down between runs and enjoyed the sunshine.

On your marks ….. start of the Duo Relay Photo credit: ScotJOS Team
A refreshing cool down at lunchtime Photo credit: ScotJOS Team

We then headed to Faskally for the traditional “Last Blast” planned by the leavers – this included various challenges alongside the orienteering and ended with the last control in the River Tummel.

On Sunday, after a slight delay caused by a burst water pipe at the hall, we headed for Bonskeid, stopping to watch the bungee jumping at the Garry as we headed to the base for the orienteering. There were a selection of exercises including trains, simplification and visualisation. The weekend finished with a Harris relay – where the planning was the key was to success.

The “station” at Bonskeid for the trains exercises Photo credit: ScotJOS Team

A final farewell to our Leavers – Maja, James, Michael, Sam and Angus – we wish you all the best as you head off to new challenges.

Thanks to everyone who helped make the weekend a success: providing access to maps; gaining permissions; planning training; setting up GPS tracking; supporting the junior; cooking and coaching. The ScotJOS team couldn’t provide these opportunities for the Scottish Juniors without the support from everyone involved.