David Robertson recognised with the President’s Medal

David Robertson of Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club (ESOC) is never one to blow his own trumpet! So much so that after the award of the President’s medal to him at the AGM he was asked to send in a photo so we could do a post and we haven’t seen it yet!

David Robertson profile picture and in the middle of coaching juniors

He was nominated on the basis that he David tirelessly promotes orienteering within Edinburgh and East Lothians in particular for schools and youth groups. In the run up to the 2024 Sprint World Orienteering Championships, David was to be found spreading the word of orienteering round the schools in and around Edinburgh from Wester Hailes to Tranent and in between.

He volunteers on a regular basis with children with additional support needs introducing them to orienteering. He runs schools taster sessions and at the time of the nomination he was running all day sessions for 3 schools with an evening session for a scout group in one week. That apparently wasn’t an that unusual a week for him!

Penny McLintock of Ross High School Additional Support Needs Unit said of the coaching David provided “Orienteering has been a great activity for our kids in terms of promoting independence and team working skills. You have offered great differentiation which has meant it has been accessible to all our pupils to support each other. It has proved highly motivating and has given a great sense of achievement at each individual’s level. It has offered a safe area to allow pupils to learn the basics of navigation which can be built on through OL walks and navigation trails or through Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. All our pupils love it!”

Some of the pupils enjoying David’s coaching at Ross High ASN

He even managed to get kids at a Primary 7 transition event for Meadowmill in the summer to make 1268 attempts at his maze over 2 days.

David running another maze

David always tries to support every request for help which comes into ESOC and quietly carries it out – trying out new coaching ideas and resources. He has run after school clubs too and is a regular volunteer with East Lothian Outdoor Centre.

Well done David a thoroughly deserved winner this year!