SOA appoints Independent Director to its Board

The SOA is delighted to announce the appointment of Pamela Carvell to our Board of Directors.

In a new departure for SOA, we have appointed an Independent Director to serve on our Board.  This is in response to increasing levels of public concern over the integrity of Company Boards in sport and elsewhere.  An Independent Director is able to be objective and evaluate the performance and wellbeing of the company without any conflict of interest or the undue influence of interested parties.

Pamela Carvell
Independent Director, Pamela Carvell

We are delighted that Pamela Carvell will be joining us from 20th May for a three-year term of office.  Pamela is a marketing, sales & revenue management consultant with experience of many industries, both at home and abroad.  She sat on the Board of the Football Licensing Authority (part of DCMS) for 6 years and has been part of the committee of the Hotel Marketing Association for over 20 years (Chair for 10 years & currently Life President).  She has been an Industrial Fellow at the University of Surrey, and as of September 2017 she will be studying for an MSc in International Sport Management at the University of Northumbria.  With such a wide range of experiences and interests we will, I am sure, benefit enormously from having Pamela as an Independent Director.

Pamela has said, “I am flattered and honoured to have been appointed Independent Director for the Scottish Orienteering Association. Organisations such as this have a vital role to play in encouraging people of all ages to engage in outdoor physical activities, especially when you have the truly awesome landscape of Scotland as a backdrop.”