Start Clocks

Each clock set has two displays: one for the start line which shows race time and one for the pre start / call up line. The start signal counts down the last few seconds with a beep, beep, BEEP to send the runners on their way. The internal Real Time Clock can be adjusted and synchronised to ‘internet time’ by using configuration software.

The clocks are looked after by Ted Finch who has more details and a Request Form on his web site… Each pair of clock displays is supplied in a robust box with charger. The box can be used as a stand for one of the displays. Tripod stands are also available for major events where crowds of waiting runners may obscure the pre start display.

The clocks may be borrowed by SOA clubs or hired by other orienteering or running clubs for events or training. Please contact Ted if you wish to use one. “Request a Clock
The clocks were developed with the benefit of a grants from Sports Scotland.