About the Scottish Orienteering Association

The Scottish Orienteering Association (SOA) is the Scottish Governing Body (SGB) for the sport of orienteering, a charitable body and a constituent association of British Orienteering. We receive support from sportscotland and are based at the sportscotland National Outdoor Training Centre, Glenmore Lodge, near Aviemore, in the Cairngorms National Park in the Scottish Highlands.

Scottish Orienteering is run by a team of professionals, who are based around Scotland and a Board of Directors who meet quarterly. We work closely with Scottish 6 Days Orienteering, and will co-host the Sprint World Orienteering Championships 2024 which will take place in Edinburgh.

This website is intended to be a comprehensive guide to the sport of orienteering in Scotland, for coaches, participants and newcomers alike. Events are primarily organised by clubs across Scotland, from Inverness in the north to Argyll in the west and Solway in the south.

The role of the SOA

As a Sports Governing Body we are responsible for the governance, development and promotion of the sport in Scotland, mainly through the network of clubs, support of junior and elite squads, the staging of events and the training of coaches. We also publish many useful guides for clubs, event officials, beginners, teachers and coaches and work closely with schools, because orienteering is a great form of outdoor learning.

Our Vision

“To be acting efficiently and effectively, in support of a network of healthy clubs to deliver a challenging outdoor adventure sport for all ages and all abilities in local communities and nationally, and to ensure the success of our athletes at international level.”

Our history

Scottish Orienteering was established over 50 years ago, in 1964. The Association was incorporated in 2007 and established as a charity in 2012.

We have three wonderful and talented Patrons, and have received a number of Awards and Accolades for our work.