SOA Development Fund

As the year draws to a close, our minds turn to thoughts of 2024 and what it might bring – which in the case of Scottish Orienteering is the Sprint World Championships in Edinburgh in July! This is a huge year for our sport and we are keen to create the best possible opportunities for establishing a legacy that we can build on after the championships have ended. Now is the time to be really encouraging growth, by increasing membership and volunteer numbers and raising the overall profile of the sport across the whole of Scotland.  In terms of the Baroudeur report prepared for SOA, we are working to develop Orienteering Edinburgh as a concept, are encouraging participation in the 20 to 40 age group through the appointment of Graham Gristwood and will be working with the WOC Team to raise the profile of the event and the sport.  

However, we don’t want the entire focus to be on the Edinburgh area as it is a great opportunity for the whole country, hence we are reaching out to all SOA clubs to get involved in the build-up to WOC.  The SOA Development Fund is there to support clubs in the promotion of the sport and we are looking for proposals related to this. 


The Development Fund exists to provide support for clubs wishing to undertake projects with the aim of developing the sport. The sort of projects that are especially encouraged will involve:

·         support and development of club coaching and coach education

·         supporting and developing young people to contribute to all aspects of the sport

·         supporting grassroots development towards WOC2024

·         focus on inclusivity and equality

However, any projects that will advance new and innovative ideas for development of the sport are welcomed.

A summary of past awards through the Development Fund can be found here.

Information for Applicants

Examples of items for which it would be appropriate to seek support include costs associated with coach training, incentive schemes, promoting orienteering, special events and volunteer training. Capital costs such as mapping or equipment will be considered but will need to clearly demonstrate how they will contribute to development over and above usual club operations. Hence funding will not be awarded for updating existing maps, websites or equipment unless there is strong justification or exceptional circumstances.

Awards over £1000 are rare and it is expected that the club will contribute a reasonable amount from their own funds (exceptions for new start clubs/associations) to allow us to support as many worthy projects as possible.  It is also expected that clubs will have tried or be trying to attract funds from other sources, see for some possible options. The project should have an itemised budget that is submitted along with the application, and clubs must also submit a copy or transcript of their club accounts.

Project descriptions should also give the time-scale of the project.  Clubs receiving support will be required to submit a report on their project, including a record of how the award money is being spent, after six months.  For projects running for more than six months, a six-monthly report will be required. Funding offers may be withdrawn if the project has not started within 6 months of receiving the offer or updates on progress are not received. 

Who can apply

Applications must be submitted by a club official, whether that be the president, secretary or treasurer. In the case of an application being made for a group of clubs/regional associations/squads, a nominated lead representative can apply.

Applications must be made for specific projects with specific development objectives. The application should demonstrate how the project fits into the overall development strategy of the club and should explain how benefits from the project will be sustained into future years. Evidence of the club’s development plan will be requested during the application process.

All clubs making an application must have either achieved SOA bronze accreditation or be currently engaging in the process of working towards the award.

How to apply

The SOA Development Fund is now open for general applications. Please submit your application using this link.

The application deadline is January 31st 2024. Clubs will be notified of the outcome of their application as soon as possible after this date (or sooner where an earlier start is requested). Please contact Louise Adams email in the first instance if you require more information or wish to discuss a potential project.

Development Fund Application Form