Updated Final Details for EGM on Sunday 22nd September

Please note: SOA members who wish to attend Sunday’s EGM at Dreghorn Barracks, Edinburgh but are not taking part in either the VHI or SOL events MUST register their name to Fiona@Scottish-Orienteering.org prior to 3pm on Thursday 19th September to ensure we provide the Security Gate accurate attendee list to gain access. All members attending the EGM must bring photo ID to the Security Gate.

Following our AGM, held on 22nd June in Bo’Ness, we require an EGM to present SOA Financial Accounts (2018) to members and to confirm levy fees to be applied in 2020. The EGM will take place at Dreghorn Barracks on Sunday 22nd September as part of the VHI/SOL event.

The SOA EGM will take place at 3pm on Sunday, following the conclusion of the Veteran Home Internationals, and is expected to finish no later than 4pm. We hope most of the competitors will have completed the SOL event and be able to join us at Dreghorn Barracks, Redford Road, Edinburgh. EH13 9QW.


  1. Welcome and apologies 3:00 – 3:05
  2. Approval of AGM Minutes (available to download below and paper copies will be made available at the EGM Registration) 3:05 – 3:15
  3. Presentation of SOA Financial Accounts (available to download below and paper copies available at EGM registration) 3.15-3:30
  4. Approval of Liz Orr as SOA Secretary 3:30 – 3:35
  5. Approval of Event Levies to remain at the 2019 costs. It is proposed that event levies remain at £1 seniors and 40p for Juniors at events whereby the entry fee is above £10 3:35 – 3:45
  6. Short presentation from Jon Musgrave on the progress and process of the ongoing Competition Calendar Review 3:45 – 3:55
  7. A.O.B 3:55 – 4:00
  8. Thanks 4:00pm

Lizz Orr nomination for SOA Secretary

We are grateful for Liz Orr coming forward as a nomination for SOA Secretary. Liz attended our September Board meeting on invite from the Chair. For those of you who have not made acquaintance with Liz during your orienteering participation or event organisation, here are a few words from her:

“I have been orienteering since the mid 1990s.  Since then the family have been members of Clydeside orienteerers, SOA and BOF.  I only started orienteering as an adult due to family interest and since then in my quest to improve I have undertaken coaching, did Level 1 coaching certificate and taught orienteering within the school setting as well as within the club.
In the club and within Scottish orienteering I have had taken on mainly planning roles as a joint planner with my husband Robin (the biggest JK Kinlock Rannoch), but also on several occasions been an event organiser (undertaken event organisation safety training).

“I have attended all the 6 days events over the last 20 years and the majority of JK events.  I have taken part on the O-Ringen and French 5 days.  With daughters in SCOTJOS and the British Squad I have travelled abroad and this country to support the team, and have acted as cook and chief bottle washer on some tours.

“For my day job, I am a deputy head teacher in a large primary school.”

Event Levies

The SOA Board wish to acknowledge the comments and opinions expressed by our members at the AGM in June on the proposal to raise levy fees to SOA. A decision has been taken to give further consideration to the proposed levy increase and to remain at our existing levy rates into 2020.

This decision has been taken with the SOA Board currently being focused on clarifying and approving our future plans, our organisation priorities and finances. Pending agreement of our next 4-year strategy, Mapping The Way Forward 2020-2024, and with consideration of the outcomes proposed on the conclusion of the Competition Calendar Review the SOA Board will review levy fees and make recommendations for members’ consideration.

Important information about entry to the EGM

Due to the location of the EGM being within Dreghorn Barracks, any members wishing to attend the EGM who are not already on site as part of the VHI/SOL events please take note that parking for EGM participants will be outside the barracks. Your photo ID will then need to be presented at the Security Gate.

Any apologies prior to the EGM or questions should be sent to Fiona@scottish-orienteering.org.

2019 AGM Minutes:

SOA Financial Accounts 2018: