SOA AGM moves to new date – 14th June 2020

This is a call to action as we announce that the AGM (and Junior AGM) date has moved to 14th June to follow on from the TAY SOUL in North Muirton, Perth. We welcome any proposals from clubs as well as nominations/applications for our vacant Director posts on the SOA Board. Most importantly we want all members to be involved.

AGM Details

Date: Sunday 14th June

Location: North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, Perth PH1 5BF

Time: the AGM will commence following the SOUL event. Indicative times will be published in June.

Refreshments will be provided. The AGM Handbook will be published 6 weeks in advance with an outline of proposals, nominations for Director positions on SOA Board and also proxy voting form.

Following the success of last year, a Junior AGM will run alongside the AGM to discuss matters of importance to our junior members.

Call for proposals and nominations

We welcome proposals for discussion at the AGM. Any draft proposals should be sent directly to

We are also seeking nominations or applications for vacancies on our Board of Directors. Directors meet on a quarterly basis, usually in Perth. As outlined in our Articles of Association we may not have more than 2 Directors from any one club, therefore I am afraid we cannot accept any nominations from INT or ESOC this year (interested parties are very welcome to join put your names forward next year!)

In 2020 we are seeking: President, Chair, Operations, Communications, Development, Marketing and Safety Directors to join us.

2020 promises to be an influential year for our Board of Directors as we seek to launch and implement the first year of our next 4 year Strategy. If any of the above mentioned Director posts is of interest please contact for more information or do speak with Anne Hickling (Chair) or Richard Oxlade (Acting President).

To apply for the position we request you give us a few lines about your interest in the post and any relevant experience. All Directors are approved by members vote at the AGM and we welcome anyone to join us.