SOA Annual General Meeting 2016

Summary of the meeting

SOA President Roger Scrutton and Treasurer Ian McIntyre went into some detail of the challenges facing the SOA, and explained the rationale behind the proposals presented in the SOA AGM booklet.

Highlights from Directors reports were picked out, and there were special thanks to Terry O’Brien for his work as Operations Director over the past six years. The work of the Development staff was praised, and it was stressed how important it was to try and retain members once they had joined up. The expertise of Directors in the Board carried forward from their employment was also highlighted, particularly from Ian and Claire Macpherson (our Partnership Director). It was stressed that the SOA has its own objectives, and our Charity status does differentiate us from British Orienteering and other Associations.

The SOA looks forward to Stefanie Lauer joining as Chief Operating Officer, and she should be relieving Directors of some of the current tasks they get involved with. Paul Frost was keen that a “Job Description Plus” was published to describe Stef’s role. Colin Matheson and Hilary Quick take up new part-time roles with effect from the beginning of June, as Events Manager and Education Manager respectively.

There are some voluntary roles still to fill – Andy Paterson is stepping down from organising the popular Scottish Orienteering Urban League (SOUL) and we still need a Competitions Convener. Sally Lindsay has produced high quality copies of SCORE, but she is standing down from this role in September.

It was announced that Terry O’Brien will act as Coordinator for the Scottish 6 Days in 2019.


The proposals to increase the SOA membership fees and to remove the need of members to be members of the British Orienteering Federation were accepted with large majorities. The latter (a change to byelaws) clears the way for the SOA Board to introduce club and SOA only membership options but a number of practical and operational issues will need to be resolved.


Marsela Macleod was unanimously re-elected as Performance Director and Roos Eisma was unanimously elected as the Operations Director.

Presidents Medal

Roger announced that the President’s Medal was awarded to Richard Oxlade for all his hard work for Highland 2015, including steering the Steering Group on the joint venture with British Orienteering and helping resolve issues at Glen Affric.

Pre AGM info

Directors Reports and Proposals along with the Proxy Voting Form were contained within the 2016 AGM Booklet.

Minutes of SOA AGM 2016

held at Crathie Kirk Hall, on Saturday 21st May 2016

Present: Roger Scrutton (Chair), Colin Matheson, Anne Hickling, Ian & Jane McIntyre, Johannes Petersen, Anne Thom, Ian & Eleanor Pyrah, Mike Rodgers, Davie Frame, Brian Bullen, Angela Dixon, Roos Eisma, Elaine Gillies, Paul Frost, Lynne Walker, Bill & Katherine Melville, Suse & John Coon, Robin & Sheila Strain, Patricia McLaughlin, Sarah & Pauline McAdam, (minutes)

Apologies: Dave & Jane McQuillen, Sally & Crawford Lindsay, Marsela McLeod, Grahame & Mel Nicoll, Paul Caban, Catherine Isherwood, Iain Shepherd, Benedict Bate, Ted & Val Finch, Lindsey Knox, Jacquie & James Laird, Donald Grassie, Claire & Andrew Macpherson, Sarah Dunn, Les & Margaret Dalgleish

Apologies were received from those named above.
2.Approval of the Minutes of the 2015 AGM
The Minutes of the 2015 AGM were accepted.
3.Annual Reports of Association Activities and the Scottish 6-Days Co. 2015-2016
Reports cover the period post 2015 AGM and the first part of 2016. Detailed reports are available in the AGM Booklet but Directors and others were asked to comment further :


Roger Scrutton, President

Changes to staffing which will take place at the end of May 2016 were explained. A request was made that job descriptions outlining what the post holders can do for Scottish orienteers be available on the SOA web-site. Roger agreed to do this.

Terry O’Brien, Operations Director

Roger informed members that Paul Caban is willing to return to the role of Fixtures Secretary.

Anne Hickling proposed a vote of thanks to Terry for his years of service on the Board. Unanimously supported.

Ian Doig, Development Director

Comprehensive report includes reports from all of the Development Staff. Roger pointed out that all of these reports commented on the importance of trying to control membership churn.

A request was made for clubs to receive a more prompt return on their applications for Development funding. Roger agreed to look into this.

The Gift Aid scheme was highlighted. Members can now register on-line and money is distributed to their club.

Claire Macpherson, Partnership Director

Roger emphasised the final paragraph of this report regarding the relationship between SOA and BOF

He has requested that BOF involve the home nations more in strategic development.

Marketing and Communications – Ross McLennan

Roger informed members that Sally Lindsay has now edited “Score” for longer than she intended and so a new editor will be sought, to take over from September.

Colin Matheson, Professional Officer and Company Secretary

Foundation Level of the Equality Standard was achieved. A Good Practice Guide to Orienteering and the Environment in Scotland has been completed and is now on the web-site. Orienteers attending the Glen Affric SOL had the opportunity to use the bridge built for WOC. It was pointed out that the plaque on the bridge makes no mention of WOC. An action was proposed that Colin remedy this.

Ian McIntyre, Treasurer

Accounts presented in draft form. The final version will not be available until later in the year due to a change in the process.

Bill Melville proposed that the draft accounts be approved; seconded by Lynne Walker and approved unanimously.

Members were given an explanation as to why the membership fees need to be increased. (Proposal 1)

Dave Kershaw, Chair, Scottish 6 Days.

Roger informed the meeting that the 2019 6 Days will be based in the Crieff area and that Terry O’Brien has volunteered to co-ordinate the event with FVO as central organising club.

1. The proposal to increase the Senior SOA membership fee from £7 to £8 in 2017.


Voting showed all present and all proxy votes (21) in favour. Proposal was accepted.

2. Amendment to Bye-Law 8 to remove the requirement for a member of SOA to also be a member of BOF. Updated Bye-Laws

A large majority of those present and 19 proxy votes in favour. Amendment to Bye-Law approved.

5.Election of Officers
Marsela McLeod (Performance) is retiring but standing for re-election.


She was re-elected unanimously by those present and by all proxy votes.

Terry O’Brien has completed two terms of office as Operations Director and Roos Eisma is standing as his replacement.

She was elected unanimously by those present and by all proxy votes.

6.President’s Medal
It was announced that this is being awarded to Richard Oxlade (Gramp) in recognition of his invaluable contribution to the success of Highland 15.


There was no other business.

2015 Financial Statements Report

The transactions in this annual report are unchanged from the report presented at the AGM in May, but the 2015 (and 2014) accounts have had to be re-stated because of a change in accounting policy. Accounts up to and including the year 2014 were structured under the Charities Regulations Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) 2006.  For accounts from 2016 onwards SORP 2006 is withdrawn and will be replaced by Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 102. The 2015 accounts are a transition year and so for one year only have been prepared under the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (FRSSE), which remains an option for the 2015 accounts within the 2006 regulations.

The eagle eyed may note that the accounting categories are slightly different with the FRSSE standard than that of SORP 2006 from last year. Further there is a requirement to recognise all grant income, donations or memberships in full in the year they are received and not accrue over the period they are intended for. For example, membership income, Sportscotland grants or other charitable donations received in 2015 for the year 2016 have to be recognised in 2015, not 2016.  This has the apparent effect of inflating the SOA reserves. This is temporary and will unwind when the next years accounts are prepared. The projected impact on SOA reserves in 2018/19 at the planned expenditure rates discussed at the AGM will be unchanged.

Hopefully this will not confuse too many. Unfortunately its all going to change again next year.