SOA Annual General Meeting – 22 June 2019

The Scottish Orienteering Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Youth Annual General Meeting are scheduled to take place as part of the Sprint Scotland event at Bo’ness on Saturday 22nd June, and the SOA is keen to answer some questions we have received.

Thank you to everyone who has got in touch – via email and via our stand at the Scottish Orienteering Championships at the end of May.

Notice and scheduling of AGM

Historically, the SOA AGM has been held on the Saturday evening at the Scottish Championships weekend, there has however been low attendance in previous years.  With a deadline of 30 June stated in the SOA Articles of Association, it was decided to host this year’s AGM as part of Sprint Scotland, the final large orienteering weekend before the deadline. This was to encourage the maximum attendance possible and feedback so far suggests a great number of SOA members – young and old – will be able to join the meeting.

While we posted the AGM notice on our website in excess of the 21 days required in the Articles of Association, some have suggested they would have preferred to be emailed this notice. Thank you for your feedback on this; we are sorry we didn’t do this, we have taken it on board and will look to ensure we email members as well as post on our website next year.

Motions and Nominations for Election to the Board

While we recognise the notice of the AGM was formally given in enough time, we also recognise we did not inform members of notices of motions or resolutions to be brought to the AGM, or notice of nominations for election to the Board, in as much time as we should have. As an organisation, we are sorry for this and again, we will look to ensure this is corrected next year.

Date of the 2019 AGM

We have taken on board your feedback but given our time constraints the 22 June AGM is set to go ahead and we hope it will be one of the best attended in recent years. Additionally the Youth AGM, which will run in parallel to the AGM, gives us a great opportunity to take on board the input of young people who will be the future of Scottish Orienteering.

To delay the AGM would mean the date would run beyond the SOA’s 30 June deadline, as well as meaning the date moves back into the Scottish “holiday” season, and we do not believe any date could create as high an attendance as 22 June is expected to.

If you cannot attend the AGM

If you cannot attend the AGM and didn’t get hold of a booklet or proxy voting form from our stand at the Scottish Championships, please ensure you download and read the AGM booklet. If you wish to use your proxy vote please ensure it is received by the Company Secretary prior to the 21st June.

2019 AGM Booklet (including proxy voting form):

2019 Proxy Voting Form:

If you can attend the AGM

Please ensure you encourage everyone in your party – especially youngsters – to join in and be a part of a meeting which we’d like to focus on building a positive, healthy future for the sport of orienteering in Scotland.