Welcoming Claire Ward ‘on board’

Following his appointment as Technical Director for WOC2022, Claire Ward Profile PicGraham Gristwood has stepped down as Performance Director on the SOA Board. In light of his decision, the Board of Directors co-opted Claire Ward as our new Performance Director at the Board meeting on Saturday 19th January. She will fulfil full Performance Director duties with immediate effect and will stand for the position come the AGM in June this year.

We would like to extend our warmest welcomes to Claire as she takes on her first duty of appointing the Performance Coordinator in the coming weeks.

As Claire begins her role she offered some words:

“I am delighted to join the Board as Performance Director at such an exciting time for Scottish Orienteering.  When budgets for sport are stretched, Scottish Orienteering is boldly bucking the trend by investing in Performance – as seen by the recent creation of the Performance Coordinator role – as well as many other areas.  I look forward to helping ensure this investment pays off, supporting elite Scottish orienteers to reach their potential.”

We look forward to working with Claire and wish Graham all the best in his future endeavours, I am sure he will continue to be a great support to Claire and also the SOA Board.