What YOU thought of the Scottish Middle Distance Championships

Many thanks to everyone who spared time to respond to the survey on the inaugural Scottish Middle Distance Championships. We had 74 responses, of which 66 were from individuals who participated at Birnam – a very impressive response rate of 29.7%.

Overall feedback is that it was a successful inaugural event. There were very positive comments about the area, the terrain, the courses, and it being a proper challenging middle distance event. The majority would like to see the event become a regular part of the SOA annual event calendar.

There were a few concerns, mainly about the use of composite veteran classes instead of five-year age classes, the distance to the start, and the car arrangements. The event was an experiment and your feedback will help immensely in planning future Middle Distance Championships. The feedback will be used as one input to an SOA Competitions Calendar review which will be done in the coming months.

A summary of your feedback is given below, and the appendices gives the full text responses – these are not identified against individuals.

Q1 – How satisfied were you with:

Q2 – What did you like about the Middle Distance Championships?

This word cloud shows the words that came up most frequently in the feedback. The full list of responses is included in appendix A.

Q3 – What could be improved in future?

This word cloud shows the words that came up most frequently in the feedback. The full list of responses is included in appendix B.

Q4 – Why did you choose not to participate?

One respondent was unable to compete due to injury. The reasons most frequently given for not participating were the long walk to the start and the need for car sharing.

Q5 – On a scale of 0 to 10 how likely are you to participate in a future Scottish Middle Distance Championships?

Q6 – Which of the following do you prefer for high level events (e.g. national level)?

Q7 – How do you feel about the number of middle distance events offered in Scotland?

Download full report:

What YOU thought of the Scottish Middle Distance Championships