You can help Scottish Orienteering gain up to £10,000 with just 2 minutes of your time

At the Scottish Orienteering Association we need your help – and that of every member from the past four years – to help us raise funds from Gift Aid.

As the SOA is a registered charity, Gift Aid allows us to claim extra funds from HMRC on any donations made to us – including your SOA membership fees – AS LONG AS the person donating the funds completes a declaration that they are a UK tax payer.

Every single declaration completed helps us gain extra funds and, if every adult member does this, we could claim £10,000 which would otherwise just be lost in tax.

Therefore, if you’ve been a member of the SOA in any year since 2015, PLEASE complete the form at this link:

OR download and complete the attached form, before emailing it to with the subject “Gift Aid Declaration”:

The deadline for this year’s submissions is the end of December, so please complete this as soon as possible, to ensure we can process your declaration in time.

If you have any questions, please email

All information you provide will only be used in relation to us claiming for Gift Aid.


I think I’ve made a Gift Aid declaration to the SOA in the past; do I really need to complete this?

If you’ve joined or renewed Scottish membership with British Orienteering, the British Orienteering membership system gives no option to make a Gift Aid declaration to the SOA, so please complete the form now.

If you used SI Entries to join the SOA only, you would have been given the option to make a declaration when joining but – sadly – some people didn’t select this option.

If you’re in ANY doubt please complete the form – we’ll happily receive a second declaration, rather than none at all!