Your opinions wanted for Competition Calendar Review

As part of the SOA’s Competition Calendar Review, we’d like to get the opinions from all members on the future of the Scottish orienteering calendar.

The objective of the review is to ensure that the SOA Competitions Calendar is ‘fit for purpose’ in meeting the needs and expectations of all of the SOA membership. The review is looking at the number and balance of all levels of events, that national and major events are fairly distributed around the West, East, and North areas, and that events on the calendar support all levels of participation from newcomers to providing a performance development pathway for our aspiring and elite athletes.

The quality and presentation expectations of different levels of events are also in scope.

Jon Musgrave is leading the review, using his long experience of competing, organising, planning, and coaching orienteering in Scotland, which he’d like to complement with as many member views as possible.

We’re asking all members to give their views by completing this survey as soon as you can:

Complete survey:

Read more about the survey:

Please ensure you complete the survey by Monday 21 October at the latest, when Jon will begin looking into the results.