Category: Anti-doping

Anti-doping Q and A

Following the article in the most recent edition of Score, a number of members have expressed concerns regarding anti-doping rules and how they may be impacted. To allay these fears and answer any questions, Tim O’Donoghue, our lead Anti-Doping Officer, is hosting a meeting on Zoom on Wed 5th Jan at 7.30. Please register using the Google form.

Anti-doping and orienteering

In early 2021 the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) completed their 5 yearly anti-doping code review and issued the latest version. UKAD took this and updated and issued the rules that apply to the UK. The changes were not dramatic, but UKAD’s decision to require all sports to comply with their detailed assurance system and to do it in stages through the following 12 months is dramatic: it is also challenging. Anti-doping assurance is about to take on a much higher profile within all UK sports including orienteering. The IOF has also stated that it supports & adopts the WADA code.

Report doping
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