Category: Club News

Celebrating Volunteers – Day 1 – Inverness Orienteering Club

With Volunteers’ Week taking place from 1-7 June, through our website we’re celebrating many of the volunteers who help make orienteering in Scotland great. The first club to highlight two of their volunteers was Inverness Orienteering Club, so thank you to their volunteers Jenny Hall and Dave Summer!

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SOA launches Silver Accreditation for orienteering clubs

The Silver level of the Scottish Orienteering Accreditation Scheme builds on what’s been achieved in Bronze and adds in a few new elements to further develop as a club. The criteria is available below this article and you can see more information on the accreditation scheme in our launch news item here.

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Introducing Scottish Orienteering’s Club Accreditation Scheme

Accreditation is a clear and positive way to increase credibility with official bodies, landowners, funders and other partners. It can also be a good way to illustrate to members and potential members as a ‘quality mark’ that the club is committed to doing things well, and chimes with other national schemes to establish quality, accredited sports clubs. Read More…

SOA welcomes two new clubs

Two new clubs – Stirling University Orienteering Club (STUOC) and Masterplan Adventure (MA) – have recently become affiliated to SOA, bringing the total number of clubs in Scotland to 25. Read More…

Connecting with newcomers

Rona Lindsay, SOA Regional Development Officer Central/South, offers some advice to clubs looking to bring in new members. Read More…