Category: Coaching

When is it too windy to orienteer?

The recent very windy weather has led to many Scottish clubs addressing the issue of should an event or activity go ahead or are the risks of trees falling too high. If you’re an organiser or a coach looking to put on an event, you may find a new guidance document useful.

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Courses and graduates update

November and December have been busy months, as we have seen a BIG increase in our coaching team with new Level 1 & 2, Controllers and Tutor Foundation graduates.

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SOA links up with the Saltire Awards to enhance SOYL course

To enhance the Scottish Orienteering Young Leaders award further, the Scottish Orienteering Association is now a proud ambassador of the Saltire Award. The award is the Scottish Government’s way of celebrating, recognising and rewarding the commitment, contribution and achievements of young volunteers in Scotland, aged between 12 and 25.

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Autism workshop helps make orienteering even more inclusive

Scottish Orienteering is keen to explore ways of improving its inclusivity to help support anyone to participate in the sport. On Saturday, 16th November, we hosted a workshop where the development team and other interested club orienteers got together with experts who work with youngsters with autism.

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Orienteers learn about SI Timing at Musselburgh workshop

On Wednesday 30th October, 24 orienteers from Scottish Clubs gathered at the East Lothian Outdoor Centre in Musselburgh for a workshop on the use of SPORTident and SI timing software. Robin Strain led the workshop and imparted some of his vast knowledge and experience to those of us who attended.

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SI Timing workshop set for 30th October

If you have little or no experience on how to use SI and SITiming software, Robin Strain will present a free workshop to you how to set up an event and run the timing on the evening of Wednesday 30th October.

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