Category: Coaching

Launch of Scottish Orienteering Young Leader (SOYL)

A group of 9 young leaders aged 14-18 were led through the SOYL course by tutor, Mehmet. The course was a good balance of theory and practical to engage the young leaders. Our first group of young leaders represent 4 different clubs and a diverse geography from the Borders to the Highlands.

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Proudly Launching Scottish Orienteering Young Leader

The one-day course is for young people aged 14-17 who want to assist qualified coaches or teachers in providing orienteering within a school, youth organisation or club environment.

The purpose of the training is to give you the skills and awareness to assist a suitably qualified adult working in a safe, enclosed area such as a school, outdoor centre, park or small wood.

The course is highly practical, there is no assessment and you will receive a set of printable resources which you can adapt and use as often as you wish.

As this is the first offering of the course, you will also receive a special T-shirt along with your certificate on completion of the course.

The course will start at 10:00 and finish at 16:00, lunch will be provided, and there will be no charge for attendance or for any of the items you receive during the course.

Places are strictly limited so please book online to avoid disappointment.

Closing date for bookings is 16 September 2018.


We would like to thank the Orienteering Foundation for their support in launching the Scottish Orienteering Young Leader (SOYL).

Coach Training Opportunities in Scotland

A recent e-mail from British Orienteering described the new coach education offerings south of the border.  In Scotland we will retain THREE levels of assessed coach qualification.
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SOA & FVO appoint new Club Development Officer

Chris will be known to many of you as a member of the GBR squad and World Championships competitor. He also has a wide range of experience in promoting, organising and coaching orienteering at all levels. Chris will be working with the FVO committee on his priorities for the immediate future and looking further ahead. In addition, FVO are working with the SOA regional development officer, Rona Lindsay, on additional projects.

Congratulations Chris and welcome to the team!

FVO are fully funding this post thanks to the support of sportscotland and great efforts by the FVO committee. 


Chris will be working approx. 1 day / week and his contact details are:

Chris Smithard
Development Officer
Forth Valley Orienteers

British Orienteering Coaching Conference

The national British Orienteering Coaching Conference is a biennial event; the next one takes place over the weekend of 14th and 15th January 2017. The location is Crewe (at the Crewe Campus of Manchester Metropolitan University, a short walking distance from the train station).

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Orienteering Techniques by Gareth Bryan-Jones

This edition was fully updated in 2006, and further improved in 2012 and re-printed in 2015.  It is full of excellent colour diagram and maps – a must for orienteers of all standards from beginner to elite. Many of us refer to it time after time, year after year…

Copies are available from:
The National Orienteering Centre, Glenmore Lodge, Aviemore, Inverness-shire PH22 1QZ £6.00 plus £1.25 post & packing, cheques payable to ‘Scottish Orienteering Association’.

It is also available from various volunteer “sales reps” at local events and from Compass Point.

Orienteering using QR codes

At Glenmore we are trialling a couple of courses using iOrienteering, which works on both iPhone and Android devices, and can be downloaded free of charge via their website or through the Appstore or Googleplay. Read More…