Category: Results & Reports


The SOUL series restarts after its summer hiatus, with the next events in Perth and Elgin later in September.  Entries are open for both.

The headline news is that we’re now back to thirteen events in the series.  Having lost one event early one due to ‘permissions’, a replacement for it has been recently added.  Accordingly, the series will revert to being being the best seven scores for all senior classes. although the junior classes will remain best six scores.

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North Area Retain The Inter-Area Trophy with a strong relay performance but West Area win The Individual Inter-Area

The weekend saw the return of the Junior Inter-Area competition.  Juniors from East, North and West gathered in Pitlochry for a weekend stay which allowed juniors from 12 clubs to compete as teams for their region in relay and individual races. The overnight stay allowed them all to mix and meet other juniors outwith their club/ region.  

All juniors gathered at Black Spout on the edge of Pitlochry to start the weekend with the relay races.  North won the relay by 28 points claiming 1st and 2nd in the open category  and 1st and 3rd place in the junior girl category.  West claimed the other podium places but East can claim credit for fielding juniors from each of their member clubs!

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Scottish Night Champions

Results have been compiled and we can publish the trophy and medal winners from the Scottish Night Championships. Congratulations to all the medal winners and to those taking home the coveted titles of Scottish Night Champions!

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The Scottish Inter-Club Championship moved into its seventh week, as ECKO hosted a Scottish Orienteering League fixture at Coille Nathais, near Taynuilt.

Individual results for the SOL can be found here

Lock Eck Orienteers Club Logo
ECKO’s SOL was the 7th event in the 2022 Scottish Inter-Clubs Championship
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Moravian beats Storm Dennis to award Championship Trophies

The Moray Coast proved to be the ideal location to host the 2020 Scottish Night Championships and the first Compass Point SOL event of the year. While the rest of the country had battened down the hatches, the weather was fairly mild to allow for successful racing at both Findhorn and Darnaway

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Students success at Scottish Student Championships

In addition to the Junior Inter Areas, the second weekend of November also hosted the Scottish University Championships. Teams from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and Aberdeen enjoyed a weekend of competition with relays at Scolty Woods on the Saturday and individuals at Cambus O’May on the Sunday.

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Northern success at Junior Inter Areas

More than 100 juniors from all over Scotland converged on Deeside for the annual Scottish Junior Inter Areas, on the weekend of November 9th & 10th. Teams from the North, East and West battled it out over a weekend of competition and fun with relays on the Saturday and individual races on the Sunday.

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Scottish Juniors win at Ward Junior Home Internationals

Over the weekend of 11th – 13th October the Scottish Junior Team travelled to Northern Ireland for the Ward Junior Home Internationals. The individual races were held on the Saturday at Cassey Water in the Mourne Mountains and the relays at Donard Forest.

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