Category: Junior Squad

Junior Home Internationals 2017 – Mid Wales

The Junior Home Internationals for 14,16 and 18-year olds were held in Mid-Wales over the weekend 7th and 8th October.  Despite winning runs including M16 (Matthew Gooch), W14 (Rachel Brown) and W16 (Eilidh Campbell) and other excellent Scottish results England pulled ahead with 80 to Scotland’s 73 points in the Individual competition.  Epic last leg runs from Emma Wilson (girls) and James Ackland (boys) brought Scottish teams home first in BOTH relays and gave us the relay trophy by 4 points (just not quite enough to overturn the 7 point deficit from the individual). Read More…

Updates from JWOC in Tampere, Finland

This week the Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) are taking place in Tampere, Finland. It’s for M/W 18s and 20s and attending is the peak of a junior orienteer’s career. More information about this year’s competition can be found here: Read More…

SportsAid Scotland Awards 2017

Congratulations to the following junior athletes who have been awarded grants from the Robertson Trust by SportsAid Scotland to help them meet their training and competition costs for the coming year.

Freddie Carcas INT £500
Jake Chapman MAROC £1,000
Grace Molloy FVO £1,000
Finlay Todd INVOC £500

The Robertson Trust is a charity which was established in 1961 by three sisters, Elspeth, Agnes and Ethel Robertson, when they donated their shares in the family business, founded in the 1850s by their grandfather William Robertson, to the Trust for charitable purposes. It is through the foresight of these three sisters, and the continuing hard work and generosity of the present Trustees, that SportsAid Scotland is able to provide these awards. The SOA are asked to nominate juniors who are most likely to go on to represent Scotland at senior level and to succeed on the national and international stage.

They all represented Scotland in 2016 and Jake and Grace represented Great Britain at the European Youth Championships and Junior European Cup, with Grace achieving 4th place at EYOC Sprint. They were all selected for the GB Talent Squad in 2017.

Well done!

Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad – Selection Policy

Selection Process

Based on the results from a set of selection races the squad is selected in September by a Panel consisting of the Squad management team – SOA Performance Director (Chair), ScotJOS Lead Coach/Manager and ScotJOS Treasurer.

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Young Scot Awards 2017

Since its launch in 2006 the Awards have celebrated the inspirational contributions of thousands of young Scots who have made a real difference to communities across Scotland.

sportscotland are proud sponsors of the Sport Award, and we need you to help nominate a young person who you feel has greatly excelled within your sporting community.

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Ward Junior Home Internationals 2016

Team Manager’s Report

Well done to all the team and thank you to our supporters over the weekend. Everyone put their all in to both races – and the disco! – and were a credit to Scotland. On Saturday at Simonside we had some excellent results on what was a very physically tough and demanding area.

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