Category: WOC 2024

New opportunity for WOC 2024 Project Lead

Come join our team and help us truly capitalise on the unique opportunity that hosting the World Orienteering Championships in Edinburgh in 2024 presents. We are looking for a self-motivated professional to lead on a 6month scoping project to create a project plan which outlines what could be accomplished and reflects the aspirations of the sport in creating an exciting development plan linked to WOC 2024. Join us as our WOC2024 Project Manager!

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Summer Job Opportunities – Expression of Interest

Scottish Orienteering is keen to help facilitate opportunities for youngsters to try out orienteering at summer camps in various locations around Scotland, especially in the lead up to WOC 2024 in Edinburgh. To help make this happen we need a team of people who are interested in paid coaching work over the summer to get involved with delivery of the activities. No specific coaching qualifications or prior experience of delivery are necessary as we would help get you trained up with the relevant skills.

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WOC 2024 Legacy Project Consultation

The Sprint World Orienteering Championships is coming to Edinburgh in July 2024!

Although it is still over 2 years away we are keen to ensure that we make the most of the opportunity from WOC to promote and develop our sport in Scotland. That means that we need to start putting some project plans in place now. The SOA staff team has come up with some proposals which we hope that clubs will want to buy into, and to that end we would like to get your feedback on them.

**** Don’t forget to give us your feedback by completing the survey by Mon 17th Jan! ****

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Update on WOC 2024

The International Orienteering Federation (IOF) announced on 7 May that WOC 2020, scheduled to take place in Denmark, had been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic and would now be held in 2022.

As a consequence, WOC 2022, due to take place from 15 – 19 July 2022 in Edinburgh has been rescheduled and will now be held in the summer of 2024. This is subject to final approval from our event partners EventScotland and the City of Edinburgh Council.

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WOC 2022 appoints Event Director

The Steering Group for the Sprint World Orienteering Championships 2022 has announced that Paul McGreal has been appointed as Event Director. Paul is well known to many as the Event Director who helped stage the successful World Orienteering Championships in 2015.

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WOC 2022 website goes live

The website for the Sprint World Orienteering Championships 2022 has gone live, creating a base through which orienteering fans around the world can find information about the event, which takes place in Edinburgh in July 2022.

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WOC 2022 seeks course planners/setters

The Scottish Orienteering 6-Day Event Co Ltd is seeking suitably qualified and experienced course planners/setters for the Sprint World Orienteering Championships 2022 (WOC 2022) which will be staged in Edinburgh.  

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