Scottish Championships 2016 take place at Balmoral

Hosted by MAROC and GRAMP. Classic orienteering in the grounds and forests of Balmoral Castle which lies some 10km west of Ballater on Royal Deeside, in the North East of Scotland.

The car park was in the grounds of the Royal Estate at Balmoral. The Assembly was in full view of Balmoral Castle, 400m away.
Results, Routegadget, Controller’s report etc.


Official Individual results

SOC Results by Class

SOC Results with Splits

Winsplits is now available

Official Relay results

SRC Team Results by Class

SRC Individual Results by Gaffle

RouteGadget please enter your routes for the Individual and the Relay

ActivNorth Photo Gallery

Scottish Inter-club Championships

Congratulations to the two winning clubs, FVO (large club) and BASOC (small club).

SICC winning clubs
SICC large club winners FVO
SICC small club winners BASOC

Junior medals

Please email with name and address for any unclaimed junior medals and we will post them to you.


Thanks to Her Majesty the Queen and Balmoral Estates for allowing us to use the area and in particular to Garry Marsden, Estate Visitor Enterprise Manager for his great co-operation in all we have asked of him.

Thanks to St Andrews Ambulance for supplying the First Aid

This event would not be happening without the support and enthusiasm shown by the many volunteers from Mar Orienteering Club and Grampian Orienteering Club and others from within the Scottish Orienteering Association. Thank you to all of them.