Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection & Welfare

Child Protection and the PVG scheme

Scottish Orienteering is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults within the sport. Nikki Howard is the Lead Welfare Officer for the SOA and can be contacted via if you have any questions or concerns.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

Do you have a concern? If you have been abused or you have reason to believe that someone is being abused, you must report it immediately.

If you feel a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger or at risk from harm call the Police.

There are many people and organisations that can help and support you through the process if you have any concerns. We have a flowchart to explain how any information you disclose will be dealt with 

Raising a Concern

If you have any concerns please contact any of the following for support, help or advice :

If you, as a participant, a young athlete, or a parent or carer of one, feel uncomfortable with any behaviour exhibited during your time in orienteering you should talk to your lead coach, your club’s Child Welfare Officer or contact

Remember ‘abuse’ can take many forms and can take place in a number of settings. More information on what is ‘abuse’ can be found:

SOA Child Protection Policy

The Scottish Orienteering Association sees the future of the sport in the nurturing and development of today’s children; we are fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children in our care.  We recognise the responsibility to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation.

Staff and volunteers will work together to embrace difference and diversity and respect the rights of children and young people.

The SOA’s Child Protection Policy can be downloaded


In 2019 Scottish Orienteering became 100% compliant with the newly established Child Welfare and Protection Standards from Children’s 1st which outlines standards across all sports governing bodies in Scotland.

SOA Safeguarding of Adults at Risk Policy

SOA is committed to maintaining a culture where good, appropriate practices ensure the safeguarding and wellbeing of adults at risk and to ensuring there is zero tolerance for divergence from this culture. This policy builds on the SOA’s work to respect the rights and embrace everyone within our sport.

The SOA’s Safeguarding of Adults at Risk Policy can be downloaded

Adult Safeguarding Policy

PVG Scheme

We are able to process PVG applications online, whether you are a new applicant looking to join the scheme or require an update.

The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) membership scheme is managed and delivered by Disclosure Scotland. It helps ensure people whose behaviour makes them unsuitable to work with children and protected adults cannot do ‘regulated work‘ with these vulnerable groups. When someone applies to join the PVG Scheme Disclosure Scotland carries out criminal record checks and shares the results with individuals and organisations.

For volunteers, there is no charge for scheme membership or for obtaining scheme records or updates. If you are unsure if you or someone in your club should have become a member of the PVG scheme, please contact

Coaching children is automatically “regulated work” and requires PVG Scheme membership

If you have any questions if you require a PVG for your voluntary work within orienteering please email and we will be happy to discuss your particular situation with reference to your application. Paper PVG forms are still available on request.

Online Applications

Please email Fran Britain who will be able to process PVG applications online for clubs.

Regular updates are not currently required unless you change your role within the club/organisation, though we reserve the right to request people doing regulated work to complete a self-declaration or to apply for a Scheme Update.

Full details of the PVG Scheme are available from Disclosure Scotland

Use of images & information on the web

Information published on websites must never include personal information that could identify a child e.g. home address, e-mail address, telephone number of a child.  All contact must be directed to the club or SOA.

Children must never be portrayed in a demeaning, tasteless or a provocative manner. They should be portrayed in a manner and in clothing that is appropriate to the sport depicted.

Information about specific events or meetings such as junior coaching sessions must not be distributed to any individuals other than to those directly concerned.

A template form for child and parent to give permission for use of photos and video is available as well as advice from British Orienteering on the use of images within orienteering. 

Photo_consent_form_template (1)

O-Safe - image taking and use (002)


Scottish Government Parent Checklist for Youth Activities, 15 questions for parents to ask of youth organisations and clubs before allowing child(ren) to join.

Safeguarding our sport is everyone’s responsibility