Celebrating Volunteers – Day 7 Part 2 – Grampian Orienteers

Throughout Volunteers’ Week we’ve been celebrating many of the volunteers who help put on orienteering events across Scotland, and the last volunteers of the week are two from Grampian Orienteers, so thank you to Rachel Scott and Bob Daly!

GRAMP volunteer profiles

Volunteer’s Name:

Rachel hard at work helping on an event

Rachel Scott

How long have they been a club member?

15+ years

How do they support the club and orienteering?

Rachel supports the club in many different roles. She is the Webmaster for our Website, has been a regular Organiser at SOUL’S/SOL’s, and plans numerous events for the club.

What makes them shine as a volunteer?

She also looks after the Deeside Night Cup (The Best Night Orienteering League Ever) website on behalf of Gramp and Maroc. She is also one of the few fully trained up IT Guru’s who can help run the orienteering events. She often helps out the main IT Guru by pointing out something blindingly obvious that he has missed! All done in great humour.

Volunteer’s Name:

Bob Daly
Gramp “Legend” Bob Daly

Bob Daly

How long have they been a club member?

Over 27 years

How do they support the club and orienteering?

Bob is one of the legends of Gramp. He has been one of the most competitive members over the years and been an integral part of the winning teams that Gramp had in the Nineties and Noughties at the 11 Person Relay.

What makes them shine as a volunteer?

He rarely misses on attending orienteering events that are put on, and I would say over the 27+ years I would probably struggle to count on more than one hand the times where he has not helped collect controls after the event. An invaluable member of the team.

A huge thank you to both of them and all the volunteers we’ve highlighted this week! If you want to make sure your club highlights the work of volunteers in future, please email denise@scottish-orienteering.org.