Celebrating Volunteers – Forth Valley Orienteers

We’re always happy to celebrate volunteers who help make orienteering across Scotland brilliant, and today we’re saying thank you to FVO’s Steve Scott and finding out why “every club should have a Steve!”

FVO volunteer profile

Volunteer’s Name:

Steve Scott

How long have they been a club member?

2 years

How do they support the club and orienteering?

Publicity Officer and Wednesday Event Event Coordinator

What makes them shine as a volunteer?

According to FVO, every club should have someone like Steve Scott

Since Steve returned to the sport after many years away, he has thrown himself into the club, and has quickly become a leading contributor in many ways.

As our chief publicity officer and man at the controls of our social media platforms, Steve has rapidly built a reputation for being the first to report any club-related activity, poring over results and writing his humorous and detailed reports often before the competitors have even managed to get home after the events.

He has raised the club’s profile immeasurably, and promoted the sport through all media outlets to reach beyond the traditional interest base; FVO’s increasing size is testament to his skills.

As if that wasn’t enough, Steve has, for the last two years, also turned his energies into coordinating and publicising our popular Wednesday Evening Event series. He doesn’t stop his involvement at the paperwork, though; Steve will be found helping at each and every event by both the first to register and the last to leave the forest.

He does all of the registration work at the event before going out himself, and he knows everyone’s faces and names better than the membership secretary! This is despite his not having a car and having to make his way to every event by public transport or his own two feet.

Every club should have a Steve – you just can’t have ours!

A huge thank you to Steve, FVO and all orienteering volunteers across Scotland! If you’d like us to help your club highlight the work of volunteers in future, please email denise@scottish-orienteering.org.