Coach Training Opportunities in Scotland

A recent e-mail from British Orienteering described the new coach education offerings south of the border.  In Scotland we will retain THREE levels of assessed coach qualification.

Scotland’s revised and updated qualifications are currently being finalised and will be in place, awarded by SQA, by early 2018.  Exact details of formats will be published later this year. In the meantime, the existing courses in plan for the remainder of this year will continue under the current structure (also continuing to carry the “UKCC” label).

In addition, we will continue to offer our Coaching Foundation course, a one-day course which gives an excellent all-round introduction to coaching for anyone with orienteering experience.  For some people this is as far as they want to take their coaching, though many go on to Level 1, and some go direct to Level 2 after completing some tasks as recognition of prior learning.  Our new Level 3 course will satisfy the desires of those with the highest aims.

We will also continue to offer a range of CPD (Continuing Personal Development) workshops around the country.  Specifically, the “Coaching Safety in Remote and Exposed Areas” workshop mentioned will be available at the Volunteers’ Weekend at Glenmore Lodge in September.

Any questions relating to coach education in Scotland should be addressed to Hilary Quick, SOA Education Manager, e-mail