East Area Junior Training

The East Area clubs (KFO, TAY, ESOC, INT, EUOC, ELO and RR) are working together to develop a programme of training opportunities open to all junior orienteers that have reached TD3 (orange) standard or above. The plans are a first step towards re-establishing an East Area junior squad, similar to the successful SWAT squad that has been running in the west of Scotland for several years now.

To get things up and running, several sessions will be held in conjunction with club training sessions over the coming months. Each club will be asked to help support their juniors attending training sessions through provision of coaches and / or adult helpers (max 1:4 ratio). The objective of the sessions will be to support skills based development of youngsters, but as well as being a good opportunity to learn and practice new skills, the training sessions will be great opportunities for youngsters from different clubs to get together in a fun and social setting.

We hope that club coaches will also benefit from the combined sessions by being able to share ideas and experiences, and working together to develop a fun supportive coaching community. Several clubs are keen to grow their pool of coaches and are encouraging members to sign up for a Coaching Foundation course, as a first step onto the coaching pathway. Anyone interested in this opportunity is encouraged both to speak to their club and also contact suzanne@scottish-orienteering.org

The draft programme for East Area junior training through until the end of the summer is as follows:

  • 5th Mar, Craigmillar (INT lead)
  • 8th May, Beecraigs (in conjunction with SWAT training)
  • 21st May, tbc (TAY lead)
  • Aug, tbc (RR lead)

Please contact your club lead coach to find out more about what’s happening and to ensure you are given the details on how to sign up for the sessions.

Working on skills at junior coaching