‘Low Effort Coaching’ CPD course takes place at Logie Steading

On the 19th JanuaryLow Effort Coaching group photo a group of coaches from clubs across the North were represented at a well-attended CPD session aimed at coaches of all levels hosted at Logie Steading in Moray.

Sarah Dunn, our North RDO facilitated an interesting session looking at Low Effort Coaching- how to achieve a good coaching session at minimal effort. Coaches from MOR, BASOC, INVOC and MAROC shared ideas and practiced coaching sessions that are simple, straightforward in delivery and with minimal preparation time. Everyone had something to add and the wealth of experience of SOA’s coaching team was evident throughout the day. It was a great session to kickstart 2019 and a good reminder of how vital sharing knowledge is for one to grow as a coach regardless of what level they are working at.