Opportunity to work with Borders Schools

We would like to invite Expressions of Interest to undertake some work to plan and deliver introductory orienteering sessions in the Earlston Primary school cluster in the Borders. The work is part of a wider development project being initiated by Roxburgh Reivers to improve recruitment to the club and increase awareness of orienteering across Borders communities.

The first phase of the project will involve working with the 8 Primary schools within the Earlston cluster to deliver 2 introductory orienteering sessions to all P7 pupils, with a follow-up orienteering activity day at Earlston HS as part of the P7 pupil’s transition programme to high school.

Initial work will require to be undertaken during March to plan the programme for delivery during April to June. It is anticipated that the practical delivery will involve a total of 20 sessions in the different schools.

Anyone interested in learning more about this opportunity is requested to contact Sarah Dunn sarah@scottish-orienteering.org by Fri 4th Mar 2022.