Young Leaders

Have fun, learn new skills and contribute to the life of your club!

Having put it on hold through the pandemic, we decided it was time to update and restart our Young Leaders programme. Juniors can mix and match modules depending on their own areas of interest. Training will be provided free of charge by the SOA and juniors will be mentored in clubs.

There are 3 areas in which juniors can contribute to the life of their club through the Young Leaders programme.

  • Young Planners
  • Young Coach Assistants
  • Young Organisers

Hours spent training or fulfilling volunteer roles can be counted towards Saltire awards and may be eligible to be put towards D of E awards.

This autumn we are planning on running Young Coach Assistant courses – more information and sign up on the courses page. Although we have organised the courses by area, you may attend the one that is most convenient for you. Dates of Junior Planners courses will soon be available and Young Organiser training is work in progress. Details have also been promulgated to club lead coaches.