Guidelines published on local restrictions

Following consultation with sportscotland we have been given permission to continue with our existing guidelines that allow local/regional events, club and coaching activities. However, we ask ALL members to comply with Scottish Government guidelines with particular note of local health board areas which have further restrictions over the next two weeks.

ALL members please note: Travel to or from an area with Scottish Government local measures or restrictions in place to undertake sport or physical activity should where possible be avoided

08102020 SOA APPENDIX 1 Local Restrictions

We recognise that the local health board restrictions will impact on some planned events in the coming two weeks and specifically to members who reside within these geographical areas. We ask all members to consider the sport’s reputation when considering travel to events/activities.

We are in the fortunate position that our sport has been given permission to continue without further restrictions being imposed at this time. However we wish to emphasise the importance of compliance with SOA and Scottish Government guidelines at all times.

Following on from the successful Covid Officer online session last night a few areas are worth highlighting

  • no car sharing is permitted
  • Travel to or from an area with Scottish Government local measures or restrictions in place to undertake sport or physical activity should where possible be avoided. 
  • Ensure all participants once they have completed their course leave the ‘field of play’ and are aware that Scottish Government guidance on the rule of 6 applies beyond the finish line. This includes in car park areas. Our advice is to complete the course, download, head to your car (await here for other family members) and return home. We do recognise how difficult this is and the temptation to speak with fellow orienteers but we must ensure there are no gathering at our events.

We appreciate all measures that clubs have taken to date to ensure the safe return of our sport. We also recognise the contribution of our Club Covid Officers who are there to ensure guidelines are followed and mitigate against the risk of transmission of Covid at sessions and events. We thank everyone for their compliance and understanding of the new measures put in place for the safety and reputation of our sport.