Phase 2 Reactivation Guidance

We welcome the First Minister’s announcement yesterday in terms of a move through the route map process. We recognise and take seriously our collective responsibility to do what we can to continue to supress the spread of the virus.  We understand that public health and wellbeing remains the most pressing priority as a nation. With travel restrictions for leisure still roughly at 5miles this has meant there is little in the way of change in terms of permitted orienteering activities in Scotland.  It was again emphasised that we are not yet in a ‘return to sport’ phase but instead a further extension of exercise guidelines.

We would like to thank sportscotland for their ongoing support and collaboration with Scottish Government, the Outdoor Rural group of Scottish Governing Bodies and to the Board of Directors for their input towards and approval of the Scottish Orienteering Reactivation Phase 2 guidelines. Please take the time to read the SOA Phase 2 guidance.  

Scottish Orienteering Reactivation Phase 2 COVID19 - FINAL - 19062020

As we look ahead towards Phase 3 and the possibility of local events and club activities restarting in line with the SOA routemap to reactivate the sport we are working with partners and experts in the field of public health to provide clubs guidance on how to run activities and events safely and minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19.  As you will appreciate we need some external assistance in writing these health and safety guidelines. Now that Phase 2 has been announced this will become our focus area. We appreciate clubs may have questions at the moment and we are working hard to ensure the guidance covers any areas of concerns and how best for clubs to host activities whilst minimising transmission risk.