Scottish Orienteering Guidelines Level 4 – Stay At Home

In light of the First Minister’s announcement that mainland Scotland has been placed in extended Level 4 ‘stay at home’ restrictions we are required to publish new guidance to reflect these significant changes effective from 8th January 2021.

Orienteering in Level 4 – Stay at Home: All club organised activities, coaching and events have been suspended until further notice.

Travel restrictions: To minimise the risk of spreading the virus, you must stay at home as much as possible. When taking part in sport, exercise or recreation participants should at all times follow Scottish Government ‘stay at home’ guidance.

Meeting other people: A maximum of 2 people from up to 2 separate households (12 years or over) can meet outdoors for sport, exercise or recreation purposes if 2m physical distancing is maintained, before, during and after the activity.

Members are still permitted to enjoy orienteering as part of their daily exercise and we encourage the use of permanent courses and MapRunF*.

We recognise this winter ‘lockdown’ is likely to have a significant impact on our clubs and members, please make sure you keep connected and do reach out for support if you require it.

You can download the guidance in PDF format below:

Scottish Orienteering L4 Stay At Home Guidelines FINAL 08012021