Sport events limited to 200 participants

One change to our Event Guidelines following the First Minister’s announcement about new restrictions coming into effect across Scotland is that events will be subject to a limit of 200 participants effective as of today. Please note that 200 is inclusive of organisers, officials and volunteers at the event.

Total numbers taking part in training, competition or events, should not exceed 200 people in any one day, including organisers, officials and participants. Once an individual has completed their activity, they should immediately vacate the ‘field of play’ and are then subject to normal household rules.

As a result of the rise in Covid cases across all areas of Scotland the First Minister introduced additional restrictions to apply across the country. All details of the Scottish Government guidelines can be found here :

Sport and specifically, outdoor sporting activities, are exempt from the restrictions only permitted 6 people from a maximum of  2 households to meet outside. Sport has been permitted to continue to follow Governing Body guidelines as we have additional hygiene and safety measures in place and approved by the Scottish Government through our partners at sportscotland.  These include the role of the Club Covid Officer as well as additional risk assessment procedures and guidelines for events and activities.

We are therefore please to report that orienteering events and club activities can continue as planned following our SOA guidelines published on 26th August.   We would also like to bring members attention to the Scottish Government announcement from yesterday that car sharing is not permitted. People should not car share with those from outside their household. This is within our SOA guidelines document but again clearly stated by the First Minister yesterday.

We must all understand that guidelines can be changed at any time deemed necessary by the Scottish Government and we will do our best to ensure we provide timely communications to all clubs and members of any changes. We ask all members to download the Protect Scotland App to assist with the Test and Protect measures in place and follow the Scottish Government F.A.C.T.S advice to ensure we all continue to contribute to the reduction in transmission of Covid within our communities.