2023 Club Conference allows interesting discussions

The 2023 SOA Club Conference held last Saturday in Perth provided an opportunity for representatives from 13 clubs to voice their opinions on the direction of our sport and exchange ideas on how to recruit and retain new members.

Discussion in the morning centred around the future of orienteering in Scotland – what a thriving sport looks like and the various pathways into the sport- with feedback provided from both the Club Listening Project undertaken by the SOA Team and the Making the most of WOC 2024 undertaken by Baroudeur on behalf of SOA.

After a bite of lunch, Clive Masson of Tayside Orienteering Club (TAY) had organised the sunshine and a fun orienteering session around the North Inch with a few tricky questions!

The afternoon session focussed on improving the newcomer experience before turning to discussion on the SOA finances, governance and the competition calendar.

It was a great opportunity for the SOA Board to get feedback from the clubs on the direction of the sport and for those present to hear from other clubs and exchange good practice.

Thank you to all those who attended.