2024 AGM Booklet published

The SOA AGM will take place on 24th June online at 7pm.

Today we have published the AGM booklet in respect of the 2024 SOA AGM. As you will see from the terms of the narrative our President, Chair and Finance Director have decided for continuity to remain in post until after WOC 2024 and the Scottish Orienteering Strategy has been launched. An EGM will be held in the autumn to allow these posts to be filled.

We would welcome any one who feels they have the skills which could help guide the future of Scottish Orienteering and would be in a position to stand as a Board Director. Please contact either our Chair, Keith Dawson via chair@scottish-orienteering.org or our our Chief Operating Officer Nikki Howard via nikki@scottish-orienteering.org to discuss your interest.

2024 AGM Booklet .docx

The 2023 AGM minutes can be found via this link 2023 AGM Minutes.

A link to the AGM can be found in the AGM Booklet but if there are any issues please contact nikki@scottish-orienteering.org