2024 SOA Coaching and Volunteering Training Opportunities  – Are your diaries at the ready?

One of the main skills we use when orienteering is planning.  To allow you to plan for the year ahead and develop your skills we have drawn together a list of the coaching and volunteer training opportunities for the year ahead.  To avoid disappointment, get them in your diary now!

Orienteering training in the Scottish Outdoors

Sign up forms can be found on the SOA Website and will be advertised in due course or contact suzanne@scottish-orienteering.org for more details.

Volunteer Day

Volunteer DaySaturday 9th MarchGlenmore Lodge – in person 10am to 4pm. Various sessions to be confirmed in due course.

Coaching Courses

Level of CourseDate of commencementDetails
Young Coaching AssistantSaturday 3rd FebruaryStirling – 1 day in person
Saturday 11th FebruaryGlenmore – 1 day in person
Foundation Coaching Tuesday 9th JanuaryWeeks 1,2 & 4 online evening sessions and a one day non assessed practical in week 3
Club Coach (formerly UKCC Level 1)Monday 19th February4 weeks online evening sessions and a 1 day practical assessment
Lead Coach (formerly UKCC Level 2)Monday 15th January6 online evening sessions, 2 day face to face session and practical coaching delivery sessions over 2 years

Coaching CPD Opportunities

Central Belt locationSaturday 8th JuneIn person – 1 day – Location to be determined depending on applicants 
Northern locationSaturday 26th OctoberIn person – 1 day – Location to be determined depending on applicants 

Organisers Courses

Aimed at helping provide guidance for those looking to organise a local or regional event

In person workshop Sunday 14th JanuaryCarrbridge run by BASOC
link to course details
Online junior organisers workshopMonday 4th March1 online evening workshop followed by practical experience and round up online evening meeting on 9th September
Online organisers workshops Monday 11th March and Monday 25th March2 online evening workshops

Controllers CPD Opportunities

2024 Changes to BOF Rules Monday 8th JanuaryOnline – evening 
SI considerations relevant to controllersMonday 19th FebruaryOnline – evening 
Event Safety DiscussionMonday 4th MarchOnline – evening 

Controllers Grade C Courses

Grade C course 11th, 17th, 24th FebruaryIn person – 1 day – Location to be determined depending on applicants 
Grade C course 14th, 21st, 28th SeptemberIn person – 1 day – Location to be determined depending on applicants