AGM 14th June Final Details

Just a matter of weeks until our AGM and we wanted to give all members an opportunity to make their voice heard. We have created an online proxy voting form (see in full article) and a link to sign up to be online with us to vote in person on 14th June at 7pm.

For clarity, there will be one agenda item for consideration:

To defer all matters of AGM business to an EGM to be hosted later in the year.*

*We provisionally propose (subject to change) that the EGM be hosted on Sunday 6th December.

Sign up for the AGM

You can join us using the ZOOM platform to vote in person on 14th June at 7pm by signing up here

Use online proxy voting form

If you wish to submit your vote by proxy please use this link to take you to a Google Form. As you will appreciate we are unable to accept postal votes at this time.