Alive and kicking

How apt that the Jamie Stevenson Trophy is a horse as this year our ‘alternative’ event was alive and kicking!
We set a challenge for young people to devise and run a course that included nine orienteering features and send in a selfie from their favourite control. In addition, as an extra challenge we asked if they could design a course in the shape of a horse.

VIDEO of all the JSA contributions now available here. What an impressive set of entries!

Winning entry from Catriona Chapman MAROC

We expected around 20 -30 entries and ended up with over 70 juniors participating from thirteen clubs across Scotland.

The Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad ‘leavers’ did the judging supported by the Regional Development Officers. The area coordinators for North, East and West rallied the troops so it was a team effort all round. We all congregated for the ‘parade and prize giving’ on zoom. It was a delight to see so many participate.

The trophy itself has not been awarded this year but we have ‘winners’ for horses and courses and photos of the action, as well as special entries worth a mention. INVOC as a club had meetings about their entries and really worked well together so a special shout out to them.

We have lots of young people who planned their own course for the first time and some who even got involved in some map making. Well done everyone for all your fabulous efforts!

1st Finlay Cottier ECKO
2nd Hannah Inman FVO
3rd Henrik Borrowman INVOC


1st Ruari Cottier ECKO
2nd Calum Robertson ESOC
3rd= Erica Cload INVOC
3rd= Iona Scott INVOC

Special prizes
Hazel Cload – snail course INVOC
Alexander Hunt – octopus course FVO
Ben Redmond – Maroc 2020 flag course MAROC
Grace Polwart / Hannah Brindley – team effort FVO
Colin Dower – map surveying TAY
Anna Maclean – pictures INVOC

1st Angus Laird INVOC
2nd Maja Robertson ESOC
3rd Sam Hunt FVO
Special mention to Kate McLuckie MOR, Katie Hensman FVO for interesting courses, Charlotte Rose Burton INVOC -mapping and James Hammond FVO endurance and picture, Aaron Lee KFO -pictures

M/W 16:
1st Catriona Chapman MAROC
2nd Angus Ivory INT
3rd Jona Newey MAROC
Special mention for pictures to Lucy Hensman FVO, Daisy McNamara AYROC, Ewan Bennett MAROC

This link shows you winners for 14-16 age group.

We are putting together something so you can view all the entries as really they were all ‘winners’! We do have prizes for ‘winners’ but they are locked up in Glenmore Lodge just now and we hope to have access soon…

This is how the judges looked at the 14- 16 entries:

Best horse shape:

W14s-Maja Robertson

M14s-Angus Laird

W16s-Catriona Chapman

M16s-Jonas Newey

Most interesting course:

W14s-Kate Mcluckie

M14s-Sam Hunt

W16’s – Lucy Hensman

M16s-Angus Ivory

Best picture:

W14s-Katie Hensman

M14s-James Hammond and Aaron Lee

W16s-Daisy McNamara

M16s-Ewan Bennet