Celebrating volunteers – a festive start

We were off to a festive start as we celebrate Volunteer Week (1st -7th June 2022).

Thanks to the Volunteer team behind the scenes we have had a great Scottish Schools Orienteering Festival. Planner Roger Scrutton(ESOC) put on courses that made the most of a constrained area. Lorna Young (TINTO) efficiently handled the entries and kept things moving forward whilst Blair Young(TINTO) controlled the event and kept everything on track.

Volunteers make this event happen!
Planner Roger Scrutton
Entries and organising Lorna young
Blair Young Controller

Lorna and Blair have worked behind the scenes for many years and we have them to thank for the return of the Festival.

Other volunteers key to the success of the event included Robin Strain(ELO) – behind the scenes keeping the results on track with Margaret and Les Dalgleish (ESOC) supported by Paul Caban (INT) keeping the start moving. More helpers and volunteers on the day helped the event run smoothly. Results are available at https://www.ssoa.org.uk/results/2022/

Well done to all the schools who took part in the festival and the individual and team winners. We are back on track with this event after a two year pause and we look forward to many more, with the crucial support again of volunteers.

Save the date for 2023 – Friday June 2nd