Change of Operations Director

Anne Hickling gives an update on the SOA’s Operations Director role, after Keith Roberts stepped down from the role.

“I’m sorry to have to report that Keith Roberts has resigned from the Board and from his position as Operations Director.

“Keith has contributed a great deal in his year and a half in post, including managing the volunteer operations team and setting up the Competitions Review, the report of which will be available soon.  He has also done a substantial amount of work, not always sufficiently recognised, in areas of technology at major events,  and his expertise in these specialist fields will be hard to replace.

“On behalf of the Board,  I’d like to say a big thankyou to Keith for all he has done for SOA and for Scottish orienteering more generally.  We wish him well as he devotes his time to other areas of interest, and hope to see him out in the forest again rekindling his enthusiasm for orienteeering.

“Until a replacement director is found, Richard Oxlade will take responsibility for the Operations role. 

“He can be contacted at

“An announcement about recruiting a new Operations Director will be made shortly.”

Anne Hickling, Board Chair